11月 25, 2014

Old Amis bamboo raft with sailing

In hundreds years ago, along the Taiwan coast line, you will see the bamboo raft everywhere. Some are bigger with the sailing. But now, the bamboo raft can not see anymore. Instead of using the plastic pipes to do the raft and with engine. In Taitung, some Amis people whom care about their own history and culture, they rebuild the old bamboo raft that following by old men memory. This is the beginning, maybe the few years later you will see more and more old bamboo raft in the east coast.

在百年前, 沿著台灣的海岸, 您可以見到竹筏在各地. 某些大者甚至有帆. 但是現在看不到了. 代之的是塑膠管做的筏配上引擎. 在台東, 有些關心歷史與文化的阿美族人透過老人家的記憶重建了竹帆船. 這是一個開始, 也許數年後您會見到愈來愈多的竹帆船在東海岸.

11月 11, 2014

Saisiyat (賽夏族), paSta'ay(巴斯達隘), Miaoli(苗栗). Taiwan aboriginal group

Saisiyat (賽夏族), most Taiwanese they knew it's name from the textbook But they don't have chance to meet them or to be a friend. This is also the first time to meet them in my life, it's true. Most Saisiyat they lived in between Hsinchu (新竹) and Miaoli (苗栗) mountains. One of famous tour spots that you could know "Nánzhuāng" (南庄) is their native land. paSta'ay (巴斯達隘) was their very important ceremonies, two years a return. It's a three days ceremonies, and start from 6pm to another day 7am. And 2016 is their 10 years big ceremonies. I'll go once again that time. "ma a lo" is Thank you.

賽夏族, 多數的台灣人由教科書上知道他們的名字, 但很少有機會認識他們或交朋友. 真的. 這也是我第一次認識他們. 多數的賽夏族住在新竹和苗栗的山間. 有一個知名的旅點"南庄"是他們的世居地. paSta'ay(巴斯達隘)是他們最重要的祭典, 兩年一回. 它是一個三天的祭典, 晚上六點開始一直到隔天早上七點. 2016年是他們10年一度的大祭典. 那時我將會再去. "ma a lo"是謝謝之意.

11月 05, 2014

Thanks Miss Huang & friends

Thanks Miss Huang & friends, from Singapore, did 2D1N Taitung trip. Luckily they are, golden rice field and sunflower welcomes them.
感謝來自新加坡的黃小姐與友人, 2D1N台東行. 她們很幸運, 金黃稻田和向日葵迎接著她們.

10月 30, 2014

Taiwan omelets (蛋餅), one common breakfast

Taiwan omelets, one common breakfast that you can brought in everywhere Taiwan. But I will recommend you to try traditional omelets (right) than machine omelets (left) if you find it. What's the different? Traditional more soft, thick and nature (daily made). With a little garlic sauce the tasty more flavor. There're several omelets of traditional. The basic was rice milk and sweet potato flour. Another was more add onions oil, dried shrimp, and pepper. One another was using pho (河粉) or rice rolls (腸粉). Beside the traditional, one special similar as the oyster omelets, it's call water omelets. The machine omelets can add stuffing as corn, bacon etc... the traditional omelets were not. This was also different in between.

台式蛋餅. 一普遍的早餐在台灣各地都買的到. 但我會推薦您嚐嚐傳統蛋餅(右), 相對機器製蛋餅(左). 兩者有何差別? 傳統蛋餅軟, 厚實, 和天然(每日現做). 加一點蒜頭醬油嚐起來更具風味. 傳統蛋餅有數種. 最基本的是在來米漿和地瓜粉. 另一種則是再添加蔥油, 蝦米, 和胡椒. 再另一種是使用河粉或腸粉. 除了傳統的以外, 還有一種特別的如同蚵仔煎, 稱作水蛋餅. 機器蛋餅可以加料, 如玉米, 培根等... 傳統蛋餅基本上不加料, 這也是不同的地方.

10月 29, 2014

Poprice (米香), Taiwanese shared memories.

Poprice, or puffed-rice, you can said it's desserts, or snacks. It was Taiwanese shared memories. No matter in Wedding party, religious celebrations, old streets, traditional market etc... all you can see it in the past. But now, maybe you need a luck. Go to country villages more than cities can find it. The basic poprice only rice and sugar or maltose. Some will add peanuts and sesame and raisins in other to more flavor. Most, poprice use a special machine to make it. The other way was using woks to cooking it. But the name is different. It's called brown rice. Both very tasty.

米香. 您可以稱它是甜點, 或是零嘴. 它是台灣人共同的回憶. 無論在結婚場宴, 宗教慶典, 老街, 傳統市場等...在過去您都可以見到它. 但是現在, 也許您需要一點運氣. 去鄉村會比城市更容易找到它. 基本的米香只有米和白糖或麥芽糖. 為了增添風味, 有些會再添加花生, 芝麻, 或葡萄乾. 大多數, 米香是用一特殊的機器製成. 另一個方式是用鍋子炒. 但名稱不同, 叫炒米香. 都非常好吃.

10月 27, 2014

Thanks Soeren and Stella

Thanks Soeren and Stella, from Thailand, did 2D1N Hualien to Taitung trip. This is the first time to visit Taiwan, and their trip so tie. All I can do for them that is introducing more about the east coast and east rift valley. They love it very much, and said will come back again.
感謝來自泰國的 Soeren and Stella, 2D1N花蓮台東行. 這是他們第一次的台灣行. 且他們的行程非常趕. 我所能為他們做的, 就是盡力多介紹東海岸和花東縱谷. 他們非常喜歡這裡. 並且說將會再次回來.

10月 03, 2014

Siraya (西拉雅) Kabua-sua tribe (吉貝耍部落) Ta-ai (夜祭), Tainan. (台南) Taiwan aboriginal group

Glad to have chance to join Siraya (西拉雅) Kabua-sua tribe (吉貝耍部落) Ta-ai (夜祭), Tainan. It's a long time ceremonies, start from mid-night around 11pm to early morning 3am or more. Depend on the ancestral spirits were satisfied the ceremonies or not. In this month, October, most Siraya tribes will do the Ta-ai in this time. You can joining if you interesting in Taiwan Indigenous people culture. Most Siraya tribes were in Tainan, and the few were in Kaohsiung. This is definitely different that you saw any harvest ceremonies in Taiwan. More mysterious.

很榮幸能參加台南西拉雅族及貝耍部落的夜祭. 這是一個長時間的祭典, 開始於晚11點一直到清晨3點或更晚. 要看祖靈是否滿意祭典的進行. 在這個月,10月, 多數的西拉雅族部落都會舉行夜祭在這時間. 如您感興趣台灣原住民文化, 您可以考慮參加. 多數的西拉雅族部落分布在台南, 少部分在高雄. 這絕對不同於您看過的任何台灣收穫祭典. 更多的神秘性.

9月 20, 2014

Thanks Miss Hong & friends

Thanks Miss Hong & friends, from Taichung, did one day Taitung trip.
感謝來自台中的洪小姐與友人, 台東一日行.

9月 14, 2014

Thanks Miss Li & friend

Thanks Miss Li & friend, from Taipei, a day trip from Chíshàng to Taimali to Dulan. Nice weather with them. And very lucky them, saw Green island and Orchid island at the same time. They took photos a lot.
感謝來自台北的黎小姐與友人, 池上到太麻里到都蘭一日行. 好天氣伴隨著她們, 也很幸運, 能同時看到綠島和蘭嶼. 她們拍了很多照片.

Thanks Phyllis & Clarie

Thanks Phyllis & Clarie, from Taipei, 3d2n Taitung & Hualien trip. Serviced them 2 years ago, almost the same time. They came for daylily and the Moonlight Sea. Luckily we saw both, and catched the last harvest festival of this year of Amis people. Although met a little rain fall, but still have a wonderful time.
感謝來自台北的 Phyllis & Clarie, 3D2N 花東行. 曾於兩年前, 幾乎同時間,服務過她們, 她們來是為了金針花和月光海, 幸運地我們全看到, 也看到了今年最後一場阿美族收穫祭. 雖然遇了點雨, 但仍然有個美好的時光.

Thaw (邵族) year ceremonies (lus'an) Taiwan aboriginal group

Glad to have chance to attend Thaw (邵族) year ceremonies(lus'an). Do you know Thaw? They are one of Taiwan indigenous people, about 800 people, and most lived around the Sun Moon Lake. The year ceremonies usually held at lunar calender August. The schedule followed by group people discussing, could be one month, or several dates, or skip the year. "Piakalingkin" could be the most heard in the Thaw year ceremonies, it meant bless you all well.


很榮幸能參加邵族年祭(lus'an)(祖靈祭). 您知道邵族嗎? 他們是台灣原住民族的一支, 人數約800人, 多數世居於日月潭周邊. 邵族年祭(祖靈祭)通常在農曆八月舉行. 時程由族人們討論, 可能會舉行一個月, 或數天, 或跳年(隔年再辦). Piakalingkin 可能是您在邵族年祭聽到最多的話語, 它的意思是祝福您一切好. Piakalingkin! 

8月 30, 2014

Táizi village (台子村), Yunlin (雲林).

Táizi village (台子村), Yunlin. A tiny fishing village that not very many tourist to visit, because it's a little hard to reach here. Really take time if you by bus. But sunset so beautiful here, seafood... fresh! no doubt! Beside, religious ceremonies are popular here. They have very old traditional of two years around boat burning festival. (兩年一度燒王船) and Píng'ān feast (平安宴). Píng'ān feast was a special dinner, usually held at the end of ghost month (Lunar month July) in order to celebrating not thing happened in ghost month. Local people will inviting family or guest to their home for dinner at that time. Some will further hiring troupes to home to do performance also. Very lively!

台子村, 雲林. 一個不是很多遊客造訪的小漁村, 因為很難抵達這裡. 搭巴士非常的花時間. 但這裡的夕陽很美, 海產...新鮮! 不用懷疑! 除外, 宗教祭典在這裡盛行. 這邊有兩年一度的燒王船祭典, 和平安宴. 平安宴是一個特別的晚餐, 通常在鬼月最後舉辦, (農曆七月) 為了慶祝在鬼月裡相安無事. 當地人會邀請家族或客人來家中享用晚餐在這時. 有些更會邀請劇團來家表演, 非常熱鬧!

Hú cuò liáo (胡厝寮), Tainan (台南).

Hú cuò liáo (胡厝寮), Tainan. A new painted village, and could be the biggest painted village of Taiwan. To visit here best to skip weekend, then you can have a easy walk and no waiting a long time for take one photo.

胡厝寮, 台南. 一個新的彩繪村, 可能也是台灣最大的彩繪村. 來這最好是避開假日, 您才得已有輕鬆的漫步和不用為了拍一張照要等很久. 

8月 11, 2014

Anping Tree House (安平樹屋), Tainan (台南).

Anping Tree House, Tainan. Very famous tour spots of Anping Historic District. In early year, this place also called Anping Haunted House, due to the tree tangled. Some Taiwanese believe Yongshuh (榕樹), especially very lush foliage and tangled, will hiding ghosts or bad things. This lunar month also called ghost month. You can visiting at powerful sunny day, the tree shadows will very beautiful.
安平樹屋, 台南. 安平歷史街區非常熱門的點. 在早些年, 這裡也被稱做安平鬼屋, 起因樹的盤根錯節. 某些台灣人相信, 榕樹, 特別是枝葉茂盛和盤根錯節的, 會藏伏鬼怪或不好的東西. 農曆的這月份也稱鬼月. 您可以在非常晴天時來這拜訪, 樹的陰影會很美麗. 

Thanks Miss Luo & friends

Thanks Miss Luo & friends, from China, did 3d2n Taitung to Kenting to Tainan trip. They are two different group, met each other in Hualien, and after that the all move together. We have some special moment in Kenting, met sunset under the rain.
感謝來自中國的羅小姐與友人, 3d2n 台東至墾丁至台南行. 他們是不同的組別, 彼此在花蓮認識, 然後便同行了. 我們有著特別的時刻在墾丁, 在雨落中見夕陽.

8月 08, 2014

Hualien cultural and creative industry park (花蓮文化創意園區), Hualien city (花蓮市).

Hualien cultural and creative industry park, Hualien city. Not new spot but nice to have slow walk here. Not to noisy, and very many people. Good place to taking photos.
花蓮文化創意園區, 花蓮市. 並不是一個新的旅點但很好漫步的地方. 不吵雜, 且人少少. 拍照的好地方.

Thanks Miss Fan & friends

Thanks Miss Fan & friends, from China, did 3D3N Taitung to Hualien Trip. A trip special for the kids.
感謝來自中國的范小姐與友人,3D3N 台東到花蓮之行. 一段特別為了小孩子的旅程.

Thanks Michelle & family

Thanks Michelle & family, from Macau, did 5D4N half island trip. This was the second time to service them. We have good memory at dolphin seeing of Hualien. We saw over 300 dolphins on the sea.
感謝來自澳門的Michelle與家人, 5D4N半島之旅. 這是我第二次服務他們. 我們有著美好的回憶在花蓮賞鯨的行程上. 共見超過300隻的海豚於海上.

Xiàng rì Square (向日廣場), Hualien city. (花蓮市)

Xiàng rì Square (向日廣場), Hualien city. It's re-opened square near by Hualien fishing harbor. Also famous taking wedding photos of Hualien city. The night view also nice, in some weather condition, the view looked like as foreign landscape. You can visit here after dolphin seeing or sea food eating, if you're not hurry. Have a coffee or up to the tower enjoy wind blowing.
向日廣場, 花蓮市. 它是重新開幕的廣場在花蓮漁港附近. 也是花蓮知名拍婚紗的點. 夜景也很美, 在某些氣候條件下, 景色會如異國風景般. 您可以於賞鯨或吃完海鮮後拜訪這裡, 如您不趕時間的話. 來杯咖啡或登塔享受風吹拂.

Dolphin seeing, East Taiwan.

Summer time, more chance to see dolphins on the sea. All the east coast, from Yilan (宜蘭) to Taitung (台東), all you can enjoy it. The fish men said usually before and after the typhoon, you can see more.
夏日, 有很大的機會在海上見到海豚. 整個東海岸, 從宜蘭至台東, 您都可以享受賞鯨行程. 漁人說, 在颱風的前後, 將可見到更多.

7月 26, 2014

Dōngshí fisherman's harbor (東石漁人碼頭), ChiaYi (嘉義).

Dōngshí fisherman's harbor, ChiaYi. Summer time, a good place to enjoy playing water, seeing sunset, and eating flash oyster. Child would love here a lot.
東石漁人碼頭, 嘉義. 夏日, 可享受戲水, 賞夕陽, 吃鮮蚵的一個好地方. 小孩會非常愛這裡.

7月 13, 2014

Kavalan (噶瑪蘭族), Taiwan aboriginal group

Kavalan (噶瑪蘭族), one of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan, most lived in the east coast, from Yilan to Taitung, about thousand people. Kavalan also old name of Yilan. They used live in Yilan over 600 years. But was forced to migrate in the Qing dynasty. Now the biggest tribe in Xīn shè, Hualien. Laligi (海祭) was the important ceremonies, held in between Mar. and Apl. "Wanay" meant Thank you.噶瑪蘭族, 台灣原住民族之一, 多住於東海岸, 從宜蘭到台東, 人數約1000人. 噶瑪蘭也是宜蘭的舊地名. 曾經在那世居超過600年. 但於清朝時被迫遷移. 現在最大的部落在花蓮新社. Laligi (海祭)是最重要的祭典約在三四月間舉行. "Wanay" 是噶瑪蘭語"謝謝".

7月 11, 2014

Fired eel Noodles (鱔魚意麵), a local food, and a strange food of Taiwan.

Fired eel Noodles (鱔魚意麵), a local food, and a strange food of Taiwan. Common seeing in the west coast of Taiwan, especially in ChiaYi (嘉義) and Tainan (台南). It's a small eel, unlike you eat eel rice (鰻魚飯) in Japanese restaurant. Summer is the best tasting time. And eel rich for protein, iron, can give you energy and fun Taiwan.
 鱔魚意麵, 一台灣鄉土料理, 也是怪奇的食物, 常見於台灣西岸, 特別是在嘉義和台南. 它是小鰻魚, 不同您在日本料理店吃的鰻魚飯. 夏日是最佳品嘗的時間. 鱔魚富含蛋白質, 鐵質, 可帶給您能量繼續遊台灣.