11月 25, 2014

Old Amis bamboo raft with sailing

In hundreds years ago, along the Taiwan coast line, you will see the bamboo raft everywhere. Some are bigger with the sailing. But now, the bamboo raft can not see anymore. Instead of using the plastic pipes to do the raft and with engine. In Taitung, some Amis people whom care about their own history and culture, they rebuild the old bamboo raft that following by old men memory. This is the beginning, maybe the few years later you will see more and more old bamboo raft in the east coast.

在百年前, 沿著台灣的海岸, 您可以見到竹筏在各地. 某些大者甚至有帆. 但是現在看不到了. 代之的是塑膠管做的筏配上引擎. 在台東, 有些關心歷史與文化的阿美族人透過老人家的記憶重建了竹帆船. 這是一個開始, 也許數年後您會見到愈來愈多的竹帆船在東海岸.

