12月 22, 2013

Guǒ (粿)

Guǒ (粿), a very traditional snacks of Taiwan. In early stage, most Taiwan family they all know how to do this snack, especially at Chinese new year, or some special moment. But it take time to do, and due to the life style change, people they buy it at the market and don't want to make it anymore, even don't know how to do. Guǒ (粿) has very many changes, as ingredients, modeling different, the name also different. It is not just a snack, but also the staple food, also it is an important part of Taiwan's food culture. Simple but also taste rich.

粿, 台灣非常傳統的小吃. 在早期, 幾乎台灣家庭都知道怎麼做粿, 特別是農曆新年, 或特殊日子. 但做粿很花時間, 且由於生活型態的轉變, 人們會在市場買它, 但不再想去做它了, 更甚忘了怎麼做粿. 粿有著很多的變化, 隨著餡料, 塑型的不同, 名稱也不同. 它不只是點心, 也可以是主食, 且它是台灣食文化重要的一部分. 簡單卻口感豐富.

12月 18, 2013

Thanks Rebecca & family


Thanks Rebecca & family, from Malaysia, did 7D6N half islands trip. A trip start from north east coast via central mountain range to west coast trip. And a trip that both we have very special experience.
感謝來自馬來西亞的Rebecca和家人, 7D6N半島之旅. 一個從東北海岸穿越中央山脈到西部海岸的旅程, 也是一段我們都有著特殊體驗的旅程.

Yuán Tán waterfalls (園潭瀑布), Chia Yi county (嘉義).

Yuán Tán waterfalls (園潭瀑布), Chia Yi (嘉義) county. It's near by scenic Rui li (瑞里風景區), also a part of Alishan National Scenic Area (阿里山國家風景區). From Parking area to here only 350m, but take time about 1hr to do a round trip. Because the trail is steep. In addition, talking about scenic Rui li, it's nice here, with the beautiful view, and can visit small train station of Alishan forest railway. But tourists not visiting here very often, most Taiwanese will go at Apl. and May. for firefly season. If you want to know the whole Alishan National Scenic Area, don't miss here. Best to have 3d2n here, than you can really enjoy Alishan.

圓潭瀑布, 嘉義縣. 她位於瑞里風景區附近, 也是阿里山國家公園的一部分. 從停車場走到這約350, 但花時間約一小時來回. 因為步道陡峭的關係. 順帶一提, 說說有關瑞里風景區, 這裡很棒, 也有著美麗的風景, 並且可以拜訪阿里山森林鐵路的小站. 但旅人並不是常來這, 多數的台灣人會為了四五月的螢火蟲季而來. 如您想認識整個阿里山國家風景區, 別錯過這裡. 最好能有3d2n在這, 您便可真正享受阿里山. 

11月 29, 2013

Zhou dishes (清粥小菜)

Winter time, one of good option of late night snack was Zhou dishes (清粥小菜). Hot rice gruel will kept your body warm and delicious dishes will let you eat more. Zhou dishes not only for late night snack, in some places of Taiwan, Zhou dishes shop they opened 24hr. Also one of traditional snacks Taiwan. Over dozens of delicious dishes sometimes really difficult to choose.
冬日, 宵夜的一個好選項是清粥小菜. 熱熱的稀飯會讓您e感溫暖,美味的小菜讓您吃更多. 但清粥小菜不只在宵夜賣而已. 在台灣的某些地方, 賣清粥小菜的店是開24hr. 這也是台灣的傳統小吃之一. 超過數十種美味的小菜有時真難選擇. 

11月 25, 2013

Special motor, Wang-Gong (王功), Chang-Hua county (彰化)

Special motor of the west coast Taiwan. Taiwanese Original. Would you like to take special motor running at intertidal zone of the west coast? Here is Wang-Gong, Chang-Hua county. More fun when at low tie.
台灣西海岸特殊的摩托車. 台灣原創. 您會想搭特殊的摩托車奔馳在西海岸的潮間帶嗎? 這裡是彰化縣的王功. 當低潮時會有更多的樂趣.

Green tunnels, Taiwan.

Over hundreds green tunnel located at the village of the central and south Taiwan. Also quite place too. Not very many car and motor passing, so you can have a nice walk, even sit or lie on the ground.
 超過數以百計的綠色隧道在中台灣和南台灣的村莊中. 也是一安靜地. 由於並不是很多汽車摩托車經過, 您可以有個美好的漫步, 或坐或躺在地面上.

Běn dōng warehouse stores (本東倉庫商店), Kaohsiung city (高雄).

If you love little cute stuffs, or stationery, if you walk on Pier-2 Art, Kaohsiung city, it's worth to visit here. Pay attention your wallet!如您喜愛可愛的小物品, 或文具用品, 如您有在高雄市的駁二藝術特區, 值得來這走走. 注意您的錢包!

Marvelous colors from Taiwan

Marvelous colors from Taiwan. If you ever stop at 
Qīngshuǐ cliff (清水斷崖), Hualien, you can have chance to get it. One wonders of Su-Hua Highway (蘇花公路).

來自台灣的奇妙的顏色. 如您曾停留過花蓮的清水斷崖, 您可以有機會見到. 蘇花公路上的一奇景.

Thanks miss Xu & family

2013.11.18 to 23

Thanks miss Xu & family, from Malaysia, did 6D5N round Taiwan trip. A trip that different than the past and full loaded. More cities to stay longer, more shopping at the gift shop, and of course we ate at night market a lot.

感謝來自馬來西亞的徐小姐和家人, 6d5n環島行. 一個不同以往且滿載的旅程. 城市停留的時間久, 禮品店採買多, 當然夜市也吃了不少.

11月 12, 2013

Ami Cultural Village (阿美文化村), Hualien (花蓮)

Talking about the history of Indigenous dance show of Taiwan. The first and still running was the Ami Cultural Village (阿美文化村) where was in Hualien city. In early year, it's one of must to visit tour spots of Hualien city. Especially very many Jananese tour gruop will visit here. Now you can see more Indigenous dance show in Taiwan as like Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village (九族文化村), Indigenous Cultural Park (原住民文化園區). But for real, I would like invite you to join Taiwan Indigenous ceremonies, or festival. The show is just a part.

說說台灣原住民舞蹈表演的歷史. 最早並且仍在表演的是花蓮的阿美文化村. 在早些年, 它曾經是必去的花蓮旅點之一. 特別是很多的日本團會來這裡拜訪. 現在您可以見到很多的原住民舞蹈表演在台灣如九族文化村, 如原住民文化園區. 但為了真實性, 我會想邀請您參加台灣原住民的祭典, 或慶典. 表演只是一部分而已.

Jin-Zuan Night Market (金鑽夜市), KaoHsiung (高雄)

Jin-Zuan Night Market (金鑽夜市), a new biggest night market of Kaohsiung city. Clean, easy to find food stands that you like, but a very little price high than other night market. Next to Jin-Zuan Night Market, is Kǎi-xuán night market (凱旋夜市). Their design are the same, and some food stands will exchange in two place by opening day. FYI.金鑽夜市, 高雄市一全新的大型夜市. 乾淨, 很容易找您想吃的小吃攤, 但價錢一點點小高於其他夜市. 金鑽夜市的旁邊是凱旋夜市. 它們的設計是一樣的, 且某些小吃攤會隨著營業日期交換著. 給您參考.

Thanks Vivian & her family

Thanks Vivian & her family, from Malaysia, did 5D4N westcoast and north east coast trip. A special trip. We went several very different places as the photo, and tasted very different food like Yunnan cousin. Most are they first time, and even me. 

感謝來自馬來西亞的 Vivian 和她的家人, 5D4N 西海岸和東北海岸之旅. 一個特殊的旅程, 我們去了數個很不同的地方一如照片, 且品嘗了很不同的食物如雲南菜. 多數是她們的第一次, 甚至是我的第一次.

A part view look out from 101, Taipei

A part view look out from 101. If you are the first time visiting Taiwan, and interesting the city view, good to come here. Although the ticket price cost NT$500 per person, but if you meet a nice sunset view, it's worth.
從101遠眺的景之一. 如您第一次來台灣, 且對城市印象感興趣, 適合來這裡. 雖然票價一個人要500元, 但如您遇到一個漂亮的日落, 還是值得的.

Fu-Bao wetlands (福寶濕地), Chang-Hua county (彰化).

Fubao wetlands (福寶濕地), a wetland near by Lu-Kang, Chang-Hua county. It's a tiny wetlands, few people know, but the world famous. In bird watching season, very many scholars and Bird lovers will come here to visit. You can add here to your trip that if you planning to visit Lu-Kang. With the Hàn bǎo wetlands (漢寶濕地), or Wang-Gong, can be a day trip.

福寶濕地, 一接近彰化縣鹿港的濕地. 它很小, 很少人知道, 但世界知名. 在賞鳥季時, 很多的學者或愛鳥人士都會來這拜訪. 您可以加這入您的行程中, 如您計畫去鹿港一遊. 併漢寶濕地, 或王功, 可以是一日遊. 

10月 30, 2013

Hotpot season

Hotpot season. Talking about one Taiwan famous hotpot "San Ma Stinky Pot" (三媽臭臭鍋) You can find it in everywhere Taiwan. Quick, simple, cheap, and make you full and warm. I like it Stinky Pot very much, that's stinky tofu in hotpot. But if you don't like stinky tofu, you can have other choice like sea food hotpot, or Kim-chi hot pot. dip with some special sauce more delicious.
火鍋季. 說說一台灣有名的火鍋, 三媽臭臭鍋, 您可以在各地見到. 快速, 簡單, 便宜, 且讓您有飽足感和溫暖. 我非常喜歡臭臭鍋, 那是火鍋裡有臭豆腐. 但如您不喜歡臭豆腐, 可選擇其他如海鮮鍋, 或韓國泡菜鍋. 沾點特製的醬料會更美味. 

Thanks Miss Hán & her parents

2013.10.22 ~25

Thanks Miss Hán & her parents from Shang-Hai, did 4D3N central mountain range & coast mountain range trip. Serviced Miss Hán & her husband in last year, she love Taiwan very much. So this time she bring her parents to come, want to show her parents how beautiful Taiwan. Very nice family, we talked very many about "Taiwan" on the trip, from History, nature beauty, food, culture, etc... why we are so special! And we enjoy the moment a lot, all wonderful experience.

感謝來自上海的韓小姐和家人, 4d3n 中央山脈和海岸山脈之旅. 曾於去年服務過韓小姐和她老公, 她非常的喜愛台灣. 所以這次她帶家人來, 想要介紹台灣有多美麗給她父母. 非常和善的一家人, 我們在旅途中聊了很多有關台灣的事, 從歷史, 自然美, 吃食, 文化等...為何我們是如此特別! 我們享受了很多的當下, 都是很美好的體驗. 

10月 16, 2013

Thanks Kenny & his wife

Thanks Kenny & his wife, from HongKong, a half day tour of TaiTung coast line. A trip run faster than rain.
感謝來自香港的Kenny 和夫人, 半日台東海岸行. 一個跑比雨快的旅程.

Thanks Mr. Chen,

Thanks Mr. Chen, from Singapore, a day trip Taitung to Taroko, Hualien. They get their private spot.
感謝來自新加坡的陳先生, 台東到花蓮太魯閣的一日行. 他們找到屬於他們的私房景點. 

Thanks Rebecca & friends

Thanks Rebecca & friends, from Hongkong, did 4D3N Hualien trip. I have served Rebecca at 9 month before, did one day Taitung tour. She said she will come back with friends, they are. Very happy to be with them, more joke and fun in the trip.

感謝來自香港的Rebecca與友人, 4D3N花蓮行. 在九個月前曾服務Rebecca, 台東的一日行. 她說她會和朋友們再來台灣, 她們真的來了. 非常高興與他們同行, 很多的玩笑和歡樂在旅途中. 

Lin Mei Shi Pan Trail (林美石磐步道), Jiāo xī (礁溪), Yi lan county (宜蘭).

Lin Mei Shi Pan Trail (林美石磐步道), jiāo xī, Yi lan county. A nice place to go when you stay in Jiāo xī hot spring. You can spend two hour or half day more. The whole trail about 1.7km, add 700m to the entrance. The best view in front of 1km, valley, waterfall, subtropical plants, all catch your eyes. 

林美石磐步道, 礁溪, 宜蘭. 當您在礁溪停留時很適合去的地方. 您可以花兩小時或半天在這. 整條步道約1.7km, 加700m至入口處. 最佳的風景在一公里前, 峽谷, 瀑布, 亞熱帶植物, 都吸引您的目光. 

9月 20, 2013

Wén chuàng dōng táng 191 (文創東糖191) , Taitung city.

A new workshop you can going in Taitung city. Called Wén chuàng dōng táng 191 (文創東糖191) where is in Taitung sugar factory. It's a small Gallery with bar and restaurant. You can rest here if you feel tired after long walk or ride bike. 

在台東市有一個新的工作室可以去. 文創東糖191在台東糖廠內. 它是小藝廊和Bar和餐廳的組合. 如您慢步或騎自行車累了可以在這休息.

9月 14, 2013

Thanks Erica & Yuki,

Thanks Erica & Yuki, from Beijing, a half day & a day tour Taitung to Hualien. Full energy they are. We went very many tour spots, up to the mountain and down to the sea. We ate a lot night market snacks also, it's a happy trip.
感謝來自北京的 Erica & Yuki, 一個半天加一全天的台東到花蓮之旅. 很有體力她們. 我們去了很多的旅點, 上山也下海. 我們也吃了很多的夜市小吃, 是一個愉快的旅程. 

9月 09, 2013

Meatloaf (肉捲), a very traditional snacks Taiwan

Meatloaf (肉捲), not often seen in the food stands, but in the traditional market you can find it. It can ready to eat, but re-heated with fired will more delicious. Most Taiwanese will buy it back to be a dish. Meatloaf has a lot of changes, with different fillings, you can have chicken, squid, shrimp, etc... can be selected. This is very traditional snacks, coming some and tasting that if you seeing it. Some food stands will attach as pickled ginger, pickled gherkins. With the meatloaf, the taste more better than general. 

肉捲, 不常於小吃攤看到, 但在傳統市場您可以找到. 它可以即食, 但重新加熱過,炸過, 會更好吃. 多數台灣人也會買回去當作是一道菜吃. 肉捲有很多的變化, 隨著餡料的不同, 您可以有雞肉捲, 花枝捲, 蝦捲, 等...可以選擇. 這是很傳統的小點心, 有看到不妨來一盤嚐嚐. 有些店家會附上一些小菜, 如醃薑, 醃小黃瓜. 配著吃, 滋味更勝一般!