11月 29, 2013

Zhou dishes (清粥小菜)

Winter time, one of good option of late night snack was Zhou dishes (清粥小菜). Hot rice gruel will kept your body warm and delicious dishes will let you eat more. Zhou dishes not only for late night snack, in some places of Taiwan, Zhou dishes shop they opened 24hr. Also one of traditional snacks Taiwan. Over dozens of delicious dishes sometimes really difficult to choose.
冬日, 宵夜的一個好選項是清粥小菜. 熱熱的稀飯會讓您e感溫暖,美味的小菜讓您吃更多. 但清粥小菜不只在宵夜賣而已. 在台灣的某些地方, 賣清粥小菜的店是開24hr. 這也是台灣的傳統小吃之一. 超過數十種美味的小菜有時真難選擇. 

