12月 18, 2013

Yuán Tán waterfalls (園潭瀑布), Chia Yi county (嘉義).

Yuán Tán waterfalls (園潭瀑布), Chia Yi (嘉義) county. It's near by scenic Rui li (瑞里風景區), also a part of Alishan National Scenic Area (阿里山國家風景區). From Parking area to here only 350m, but take time about 1hr to do a round trip. Because the trail is steep. In addition, talking about scenic Rui li, it's nice here, with the beautiful view, and can visit small train station of Alishan forest railway. But tourists not visiting here very often, most Taiwanese will go at Apl. and May. for firefly season. If you want to know the whole Alishan National Scenic Area, don't miss here. Best to have 3d2n here, than you can really enjoy Alishan.

圓潭瀑布, 嘉義縣. 她位於瑞里風景區附近, 也是阿里山國家公園的一部分. 從停車場走到這約350, 但花時間約一小時來回. 因為步道陡峭的關係. 順帶一提, 說說有關瑞里風景區, 這裡很棒, 也有著美麗的風景, 並且可以拜訪阿里山森林鐵路的小站. 但旅人並不是常來這, 多數的台灣人會為了四五月的螢火蟲季而來. 如您想認識整個阿里山國家風景區, 別錯過這裡. 最好能有3d2n在這, 您便可真正享受阿里山. 

