12月 22, 2013

Guǒ (粿)

Guǒ (粿), a very traditional snacks of Taiwan. In early stage, most Taiwan family they all know how to do this snack, especially at Chinese new year, or some special moment. But it take time to do, and due to the life style change, people they buy it at the market and don't want to make it anymore, even don't know how to do. Guǒ (粿) has very many changes, as ingredients, modeling different, the name also different. It is not just a snack, but also the staple food, also it is an important part of Taiwan's food culture. Simple but also taste rich.

粿, 台灣非常傳統的小吃. 在早期, 幾乎台灣家庭都知道怎麼做粿, 特別是農曆新年, 或特殊日子. 但做粿很花時間, 且由於生活型態的轉變, 人們會在市場買它, 但不再想去做它了, 更甚忘了怎麼做粿. 粿有著很多的變化, 隨著餡料, 塑型的不同, 名稱也不同. 它不只是點心, 也可以是主食, 且它是台灣食文化重要的一部分. 簡單卻口感豐富.

