11月 12, 2013

Fu-Bao wetlands (福寶濕地), Chang-Hua county (彰化).

Fubao wetlands (福寶濕地), a wetland near by Lu-Kang, Chang-Hua county. It's a tiny wetlands, few people know, but the world famous. In bird watching season, very many scholars and Bird lovers will come here to visit. You can add here to your trip that if you planning to visit Lu-Kang. With the Hàn bǎo wetlands (漢寶濕地), or Wang-Gong, can be a day trip.

福寶濕地, 一接近彰化縣鹿港的濕地. 它很小, 很少人知道, 但世界知名. 在賞鳥季時, 很多的學者或愛鳥人士都會來這拜訪. 您可以加這入您的行程中, 如您計畫去鹿港一遊. 併漢寶濕地, 或王功, 可以是一日遊. 

