9月 09, 2013

Meatloaf (肉捲), a very traditional snacks Taiwan

Meatloaf (肉捲), not often seen in the food stands, but in the traditional market you can find it. It can ready to eat, but re-heated with fired will more delicious. Most Taiwanese will buy it back to be a dish. Meatloaf has a lot of changes, with different fillings, you can have chicken, squid, shrimp, etc... can be selected. This is very traditional snacks, coming some and tasting that if you seeing it. Some food stands will attach as pickled ginger, pickled gherkins. With the meatloaf, the taste more better than general. 

肉捲, 不常於小吃攤看到, 但在傳統市場您可以找到. 它可以即食, 但重新加熱過,炸過, 會更好吃. 多數台灣人也會買回去當作是一道菜吃. 肉捲有很多的變化, 隨著餡料的不同, 您可以有雞肉捲, 花枝捲, 蝦捲, 等...可以選擇. 這是很傳統的小點心, 有看到不妨來一盤嚐嚐. 有些店家會附上一些小菜, 如醃薑, 醃小黃瓜. 配著吃, 滋味更勝一般! 

