10月 27, 2014

Thanks Soeren and Stella

Thanks Soeren and Stella, from Thailand, did 2D1N Hualien to Taitung trip. This is the first time to visit Taiwan, and their trip so tie. All I can do for them that is introducing more about the east coast and east rift valley. They love it very much, and said will come back again.
感謝來自泰國的 Soeren and Stella, 2D1N花蓮台東行. 這是他們第一次的台灣行. 且他們的行程非常趕. 我所能為他們做的, 就是盡力多介紹東海岸和花東縱谷. 他們非常喜歡這裡. 並且說將會再次回來.

