8月 30, 2014

Táizi village (台子村), Yunlin (雲林).

Táizi village (台子村), Yunlin. A tiny fishing village that not very many tourist to visit, because it's a little hard to reach here. Really take time if you by bus. But sunset so beautiful here, seafood... fresh! no doubt! Beside, religious ceremonies are popular here. They have very old traditional of two years around boat burning festival. (兩年一度燒王船) and Píng'ān feast (平安宴). Píng'ān feast was a special dinner, usually held at the end of ghost month (Lunar month July) in order to celebrating not thing happened in ghost month. Local people will inviting family or guest to their home for dinner at that time. Some will further hiring troupes to home to do performance also. Very lively!

台子村, 雲林. 一個不是很多遊客造訪的小漁村, 因為很難抵達這裡. 搭巴士非常的花時間. 但這裡的夕陽很美, 海產...新鮮! 不用懷疑! 除外, 宗教祭典在這裡盛行. 這邊有兩年一度的燒王船祭典, 和平安宴. 平安宴是一個特別的晚餐, 通常在鬼月最後舉辦, (農曆七月) 為了慶祝在鬼月裡相安無事. 當地人會邀請家族或客人來家中享用晚餐在這時. 有些更會邀請劇團來家表演, 非常熱鬧!

