6月 03, 2014

Thanks Jessica & her family

Thanks Jessica & her family, from Hongkong, did 5D4N Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Kenting trip. A very slowly but relax trip. More of time spend in Kenting. We went to Xiǎo liúqiú (小琉球), that's a small island away from Dōnggǎng (東港) about 30min by boat. To some old town as Ānpíng (安平) and Héng chūn (恆春) enjoy the local famous food. To Kenting enjoy the sunset, some nice landscape, and visit some cafe shop near by seaside. Serviced Jessica in her last year trip from Kenting to Taitung. So happy and glad to service her again.

感謝來自香港的Jessica和她的家人, 5d4n 台南, 高雄, 和墾丁之旅. 一個緩慢但放鬆的旅程. 多數的時間停留在墾丁. 我們去了小琉球, 那是一個小島離東港約30min的船程. 去了些老地方如安平與恆春享受當地特色小吃. 去墾丁享受夕陽, 一些美麗的風景, 並拜訪一些海邊的咖啡店. 曾服務Jessica於去年墾丁往台東的旅程中. 很開心也很榮幸再次服務.

