6月 08, 2014

Shítī fishing port (石梯漁港), Hualien (花蓮).

Shítī fishing port (石梯漁港), one of fishing port with best view of Hualien (花蓮). Also the birthplace of dolphin seeing Taiwan. It's very near by Shítīpíng (石梯坪), one of famous tour spot of east coast, but most people passing by. If you have time, actually you can spend half day or one day here. Not only eating sea food, enjoy the landscapes, also a little far away here, you can have a nice coffee, or visiting some Artists Studio, or jumping into the sea. A wonderful summer day.

石梯漁港, 花蓮的漁港中有著美麗風景的之一. 同時也是台灣賞鯨的發源地. 它非常接近石梯坪, 東海岸的熱門景點之一, 但多數人都是路過. 如您有時間, 其實您可以花半天或一天在這. 不只是嘗海鮮, 欣賞風景, 同時在離這遠一點點, 您可以有杯好咖啡, 或是拜訪一些藝術家工作室, 或者乾脆泡在海裡. 一個美好的夏日時光.

