1月 06, 2015

The Hayashi department store (林百貨), Tainan city (台南市).

The Hayashi department store, Tainan. It's the second big department store of Taiwan in 1930. But the first one had elevator department store in Taiwan. Old Tainan people's memory. It's a five floors building, just reopen at 2014. Sale most all related to MIT(made in Taiwan) products and it's own design. Cafe shop, restaurant, tea room also included. A new tour spot of Tainan city.
 林百貨, 台南. 在1930年代的台灣是第二家百貨公司, 但卻是台灣第一座有電梯的百貨公司. 老台南人的回憶. 它是五層樓的建築, 於2014年重新開幕. 賣的主要是MIT的產品, 與它自己設計的產品. 咖啡屋, 餐廳, 茶屋, 也有包括在裡面. 台南市的新旅點.

