1月 06, 2015

Fushan Botanical Garden (福山植物園), Yilan (宜蘭).

Fushan Botanical Garden (福山植物園), Yilan (宜蘭). A secret garden you have to pre-booking before 30 days so that you can visit. It's not very big, walking whole trail taking about 1hr or less. But more easy to see wild animals as like monkey, muntjac, and birds. The pond is the best view of Fushan, other areas were water resources, ecological protection zone, not allow tourist to visit. Spring time could be the best time to visit here, a little mist would let the view more impressed.

福山植物園, 宜蘭. 一祕密花園您必須30天前申請才能去拜訪. 它不是很大, 走完整個步道約一小時或更短. 但容易見到野生動物, 如猴子, 山羌, 和鳥類. 這池子是整個福山最漂亮的地方, 其他地方是水源和生態保護區, 並不允許遊客進入的. 春天可能是來這的最佳時間, 一點點迷霧會讓景色更讓人印象深刻. 

