1月 06, 2015

Nán yáo gōng (南瑤宮), Changhua city (彰化市).

Nán yáo gōng (南瑤宮), Changhhua city (彰化市). A very special temple buildings of Taiwan. It combined with the Chinese style, Japanese style, and the western style, not very often can meet in any places. Nán yáo gōng also a historic site of Changhua city (彰化市), over 200 years old, the latest overhaul at 1936, as we saw right now. To visit here, find a parking space was a problem. But worth. Near by here was Baguashan (八卦山), a wellknown tour spot of Taiwan. And you can extend the trip to xiǎo xi street (小西街) enjoy tradition snack. More far to railway round house (扇形車庫), a day trip here.

南瑤宮,彰化市. 台灣一特殊的寺廟建築. 它結合了中式, 日式, 和西洋形式, 並不是容易在任何地方遇見到. 南瑤宮同時也是彰化市的歷史古蹟, 有超過兩百年以上歷史, 最近一次的翻修是在1936, 也是我們現在看到的樣子. 拜訪這裡, 停車是個問題. 但是值得. 鄰近這邊是八卦山, 台灣的知名旅遊點. 您可以延伸行程至小西街享受傳統小吃, 或更遠至扇形車庫, 一日遊在這.

