1月 06, 2015

Thanks Kenny & Maria

Thanks Kenny & Maria, form HongKong, did 2D1N Yilan (宜蘭)trip. This is the third time they booking my service, very thanks. We met a nice weather day at Wuling farm (武陵農場). By the way, the plum flower blooming more and more, maybe this weekend would looking good.
感謝來自香港的Kenny & Maria, 宜蘭2d1n行. 這是他們第三回預約我包車服務, 非常感謝他們, 我們碰上了個好天氣在武陵農場. 順帶一提, 梅花盛開愈來愈多了, 也許這周末會很好看.  

