7月 13, 2016

Indigenous traditional sun proof (防曬板)

Harvesting time in the east rift valley and the east coast. One special things you can find on the farmer at Xīn shè( 新社), gǎngkǒu (港口) Hualien county (花蓮縣). It's traditional sun proof and made by paper reed (紙莎草). Uncommon to see in the Taiwan west coast. An Indigenous Peoples craft.

花東縱谷和東海岸現在是收穫的季節. 有一樣東西您可在花蓮港口, 新社的農夫身上找到. 這是傳統的防曬板是用紙莎草做的. 不容易在台灣西海岸見到. 一原住民工藝.

