5月 26, 2016

Elephant rock(象鼻岩), Sēn ào fishing port (深澳漁港), New Taipei city (新北市).

Elephant rock, shēn ào fishing port (深澳漁港), New Taipei city. A new pop tour spot near by Shuǐ nǎn dòng (水湳洞) about less 20min to drive. From the parking lot to the rock about 30min to 7min by walk. (Far to close) To visit this place please be avoid three things; big wind, big rain, and big traffic (Weekend). Because it's near by cliff, and the road not really good for easy hiking. In addition, a landscape also at the fishing port, the chief rock. You will see on the way to Elephant rock.
象鼻岩, 深澳漁港, 新北市
新的熱門旅點靠近水湳洞約少於20min車程. 走路從停車場至岩石約30min 到 7min (遠至近). 來這拜訪請避免三件事情; 大風, 大雨, 和車多(假日). 因為它附近就是懸厓, 而且路不是一般輕鬆健行路線. 另外, 有一個地景也在漁港內, 酋長岩. 往象鼻岩的路上您會看見.

