7月 27, 2016

看巷小(Kàn xiàng xiǎo), Hualien(花蓮)

A secret place near by old railway culture area (舊鐵道文化園區) at Hualien 花蓮. 看巷小(Kàn xiàng xiǎo) is a craft, art, moji, and cafe place. It's opposite the pop area, as like a quite garden. Along the old railway you can find it. And please try their own hot moji, peanut and sesame all will give you good flavor.

一個祕密的地方靠近花蓮舊鐵道文化園區. 看巷小是一個販賣手做, 藝術, 麻糬, 和咖啡的地方. 她在鬧區的對面, 就如同一個寧靜的小花園. 沿著舊鐵道走您可以找到她. 並請嚐嚐她們的燒麻糬, 芝麻和花生都會給您好味道.

