5月 15, 2012

Stone Weir (石滬), Pehghu (澎湖).

Stone Weir, one of must to see in Penghu. It's an ancient method of fishing. Like a trap. Fishes go inside the stone Weir in high tie, can't go out when low tie. And this time fishmen can easy to catch fishes. One stone weir start building and until finish need more than 2 or 3 years, or more. All hand made. The wellknown stone weir is Twin Hearts Stone Weir in Qīměi (七美), the largest number of stone weir is in Jibei (吉貝), more than hundred.

石滬, 澎湖必看之一. 這是一種古老捕魚方法. 就像是一個陷阱. 魚群於潮高時進入陷阱, 退潮時就出不來了, 這時候漁夫們就容易抓魚. 一個石滬從建造到完成需要2,3年, 或更多的時間. 全部是手工做的. 最出名是七美的雙心石滬, 但石滬數量最多的在吉貝, 超過一百個以上.

