5月 10, 2012

Bùdài township (布袋鎮), JiaYi county (嘉義).

Bùdài township, JiaYi county. Home of oysters. You can see oyster farm everywhere on the highway17 (台17) or highway61 (台61). From here to Penghu (澎湖) is the fast sea way, only 90min. And toal have 4 ferry you can choice, more than other route. If you go like me, this time, you might can see the sunrise & sunset at Budai habor. Nice sunset more easy to see in Summer when return. And after that, you can enjoy seafood in the fishing market or restaurant. A wonderful Penghu trip. :)

布袋鎮, 嘉義縣. 蚵仔的故鄉. 如您走台17或台61所見到處. 從這邊到澎湖也是最快的, 只要90分航程. 總共有四艘船可選擇, 相較其他航線. 如您跟我是同樣的時間起行, 這時候, 您或許可以見到日出與日落. 美麗的日落在夏日容易見到,自返程時. 之後, 您可以在漁市場或餐廳享受海產, 美好的澎湖行.

