4月 14, 2017

Tevorangh(大武壠族), Taiwan aboriginal group

Tevorangh(大武壠族), or Taivoan(大滿族). An aboriginal group of Taiwan. Though not approved by the government, but it does exit. And could be one of the first aboriginal group doing international trading with foreigners. (as Siraya西拉雅, Tsou鄒 of the Taiwan west coast) Most they lived in the mountain side of Kaohsiung now. It's another history story about group's migration. In 2009, typhoon Morakot(莫拉克颱風) took over their village, it was disater, many people are died, and the left people no place to live. But now, they're overcome. And established a dance group called Taivoan dance group (大滿舞團) that in order to group agglomerate, and culture inherited. Similar then Pingpu(平埔族), they god called Taizu(太祖), but the ritual different than others Pingpu's group. Called Qiān Xì(牽戲). usually held at mid-autumn festival. And one special event at the lantern Festival, an event only for women.

大武壠族或大滿族. 台灣原住民族之一. 雖然尚未被官方認可, 但確實存在著. 而且可能是與外國人從事國際貿易的第一支族群.(如台灣西海岸的西拉雅族,鄒族) 多數住在高雄的山區. 這是另一段關於族群遷移的歷史故事. 在2009年, 莫拉克颱風帶走了它們的村莊, 這是個災難, 許多人逝去了, 存活的人無家可歸. 但現在, 他們克服了. 並且建立了一個大滿舞團,為了族群的凝聚與文化傳承. 和平埔族有點相似, 他們的神稱作太祖, 但祭儀不同於其他平埔族群. 叫牽戲. 通常在中秋節左右舉行. 還有一個特別的活動在元宵節左右, 一個專屬女人的活動.

