4月 09, 2016

Shífēn waterfall (十分瀑布), New Taipei city. (新北市)

Shífēn waterfall (十分瀑布), New Taipei city. (新北市) Similar as Niagara Falls, so she has a name : A little Niagara fall. Not to far Shifen old street. But if you by walk, it takes around 1hr. From the Grade crossings about 30min. Better time to visit is after raining. More powerful water fall down and perhaps rainbow come out.

十分瀑布, 新北市. 因有如尼加拉瓜瀑布, 所有她有個名字小尼加拉瓜瀑布. 這裡離十分老街不遠. 但如您用走的, 大約需1小時. 但從平交道走約30分. 拜訪這最佳的時間是雨後. 水量會更大並且或許有彩虹出現.

