4月 14, 2016

Purplevine (紫藤). Season time.

Purplevine (紫藤). It's the season time. The well known places at Taiwan was Ruì-lǐ (瑞里), Chia-Yi(嘉義). But in some city as New Tai-pei city (新北), Tao-yuan(桃園), Tai-chung(台中), you can enjoy too. But if you go Ruì-lǐ (瑞里), you also can enjoy firefly at night. In fact, there are some purple flowers or color a little like purple blooming at this time. As iris(鳶尾花), china berry(苦楝樹), and Jacaranda(藍花楹). Purple season of Taiwan.

紫藤. 這時是季節. 台灣最出名賞紫藤的地方是嘉義瑞里. 但在其他縣市如新北, 桃園, 台中, 您也可以欣賞的到. 但如果您此時去瑞里, 還可以在夜晚欣賞螢火蟲. 事實上, 這時候有一些紫花或顏色像紫色的花盛開著 如鳶尾花, 苦楝樹, 和藍花楹. 台灣紫色的季節.

