4月 09, 2014

Dà dào chéng (大稻埕), Taipei city.

Sunset view of Dà dào chéng (大稻埕), Taipei city. Compare to Dànshuǐ (淡水) so popular and crowd, here more quite and easy. Dà dào chéng is one of old towns of Taipei, but it affected Taipei's modern history. Along the Dihua Street (迪化街), you can easy to find it was a business area. Clothes, Chinese medicine, dry goods, daily necessities, most old shops still opened. More far to Taipei bridge (台北橋), it was a gathering place of part time job workers, they build most Taipei city buildings in 50's~80's. By the way, near by Taipei bridge also a night market here, called Daqiaotou Night Market (大橋頭夜市), most traditional food stalls, and cheap. If you want to know Taipei old history, you can come to visit here, more stories you can listen, and more old life style can enjoy.

台北市大稻埕的夕陽. 相較淡水的熱門和擁擠, 這邊顯得安靜和輕鬆. 大稻埕是台北的舊城區之一, 但它影響了台北的近代歷史. 沿著迪化街, 您可以很容易發現它過去是商業區. 布匹,中藥, 南北貨, 日用品...多數的老店仍開著. 更遠來到台北橋, 它過去是打工工人的聚集地, 50年代到80年代台北市多數的建築都是他們建的. 順帶一提, 靠近台北橋也有一個夜市, 叫大橋頭夜市, 多數是傳統小吃攤, 且便宜. 如您想要了解台北的舊歷史, 您可以來這拜訪, 很多的故事可以聽到, 很多的舊日生活您也可以享受到.

