5月 15, 2013

Salt farm eco-village(鹽田生態村), Sihcao(四草), Tainan.

Salt farm eco-village, Sihcao(四草), Tainan. A nice place to visit but not weekend. Old village, salt farm, bird singing, you can have a quite time here. Sihcao, wellknown mangroves, there's mangroves trail that is one top view of Taiwan. And some Taiwanese that they called it little amazon. Here not to far to Anping(安平), can be a half or a day trip here.

鹽田生態村, 四草, 台南. 非假日適合來的地方. 老村莊, 鹽田, 鳥鳴, 您可以享受寧靜片刻這裡. 四草以紅樹林著名. 有一條隧道是台灣極景之一. 也有一些台灣人稱這為小亞馬遜. 這離安平不太遠, 可以是半日行或一日行在這. 

