2月 26, 2013

Mayasvi, Tefuye tribe (特富野部落), ChiaYi county (嘉義)

This is not for the fighting, this is called Mayasvi, a ceremonies of Taiwan aboriginal Tsou (鄒族). In the early year, Mayasvi, held on at Feb. 15 and Aug. 15. and take turns Tapang (達邦), Tefuye this two tribe. Now they held apart. This is another activity you can enjoy during the lantern festival of Taiwan. By the way, respect the culture is important. I always said.

這不是要作戰, 這叫Mayasvi, 台灣原住民族鄒族的祭典. 在早年, Mayasvi, 在2月15日, 8月15日舉行, 由達邦和特富野這兩個部落輪流舉辦. 現在則是各自舉行. 這是另一個活動您可以學習跟參予的在元宵節的期間. 順帶一提, 尊重文化是重要的, 我總是這麼說.

