1月 08, 2013

Tobacco leaf & flower, Měinóng (美濃), Kaohsiung (高雄).

Tobacco leaf & flower, have you seen this before? Tobacco leaf you might, but the flower not easy to see it. Because it useless, farmers usualy excise in order to Keep tobacco leaf nutrients. In Měinóng, Kaohsiung. You still can find it. But want to see the flower need a good luck.

菸葉和花, 您曾經看過嗎? 菸葉您或許有. 但花就不容易見到了. 因為花無用, 所以農人們通常會摘除它, 以保持菸葉的養分. 在高雄美濃, 您仍可以見到它, 但花就需要一點運氣了.

