1月 14, 2013

Mustard (芥菜), winter common vegetables Taiwan.

Mustard. One of winter common vegetables Taiwan. In most farm land you can find it. Maybe you don't know, we ate as sauerkraut(酸菜), pickles(鹹菜), potherb mustard (雪裡紅), mustard greens (梅干菜), all its by-products. It is also one of Chinese new year dinner, most making suop. And has the blessing : the hard times are over, the good times just beginning (苦盡甘來), long life, etc... If you planing have a Chinese New Year in Taiwan, you can try it. :)

芥菜. 台灣冬日常見蔬菜之一. 在多數的農田您都可以找到. 也許您不知道, 我們吃的如鹹菜, 酸菜, 雪裡紅, 梅干菜, 都是它的副產品. 它也是新年年菜之一, 通常是煮湯. 有苦盡甘來, 長壽, 等... 祝福之意. 如您計畫來台灣過農曆新年, 您可以嘗一嘗它.

