11月 12, 2012

Camellia seed (苦茶籽)

Camellia seed. For old Taiwanese it's a treasure. It can make oil, cleaning supplies, etc...very useful. It were quiet for some time, almost 40years, and now return to popular a little by little. The oil nutrients according to medical reports higher than Olive oil. In some local market, or local specialty center you can find it. Worry about Taiwan's souvenirs what to carry? Camellia oil could be a good choice. :)

苦茶籽. 對老台灣人來說這是一個珍寶. 可以提煉油, 清潔產品相關等...非常好用. 它沉寂了一段時間, 約40年之久. 現在正一點一點的再次受到歡迎. 苦茶油的營養成分根據醫學報導高於橄欖油. 在某些傳統市場, 地方特產中心, 您都可以找到它. 煩惱台灣的手信要帶什麼好? 這可以是一個好選擇.

