11月 12, 2012

Bì hú(碧湖), Nantou (南投).

Bì hú(碧湖), if you going to ChinJin(清境) farm from WuShe(霧社), you might see on the road. "碧" in chinese meant "deep green", the lake color look like deep green, so was named. Bi hu also a reservoir, called Wanda(萬大) Reservoir. Slow down, if you passing here, sometime have really nice landscpace, waiting you catch.

碧湖, 如您從霧社前往清境, 您也許會在路上看到. "碧"中文的意思是深綠, 因為湖水看來是深綠的, 由此得名. 碧湖也是個水庫, 稱萬大水庫. 如您經過這, 請慢一點, 有時會有很美麗的風景, 等著您捕捉.

