9月 29, 2012

Hualien railway culture park (花蓮鐵道文化園區). Hualien city (花蓮).

Hualien railway culture park. It's a new spot in Hualien city, near by old Hualien train station. It was railway office, not change a lot. And inside the office, if you're railway fans, you would see something that you interest. The whole park include two parts, office and cargo office. Can be 1hr tour here, and after that to enjoy Gōngzhèng bun (公正包子) or Zhou steamed dumplings (周氏蒸餃), that wellknown all Hualien. :)

花蓮鐵道文化園區. 在舊花蓮火車站附近, 花蓮市的新旅點. 過去是鐵路辦公室, 改變並沒有很多. 且在辦公室內部, 如您是鐵道迷, 您會看到您感興趣的東西. 整個園區包含兩個部分, 鐵路辦公室和貨運辦公室. 可以是一小時行程在這. 之後並去享用公正包子和周氏蒸餃, 花蓮出了名的.

