4月 11, 2012

Turtle Island (龜山島). Tóu Chéng township (頭城), Yilán County (宜蘭).

Turtle Island. In Tóu chéng township, Yilán county. If you passing by highway2 (north-east coast highway), you'll see. It's one of nature reserve Taiwan. Every year, from Mar. to Oct. can go on the island. But you have to pre-booking more than 20days before. The package tour also sell on the Wushi fishiing habor. Total three tour you can choice.

A. on land+ round island+dolphin seeing.

B. on land+round island.

C. round island+dolphin seeing.

The cost from ntd$1200 and up. And hours take 3hr at least. If you have plan 2d1n or more in Yilan, you can add this trip inside. Jun. to Aug. more easy to see dolphin on the sea than other month. But also tourist more. FYI.

龜山島, 在宜蘭縣頭城鄉. 如您經過台2線(濱海公路)您會看到. 每年三月至十月可登島, 但須20天前便申請. 烏石港有套裝行程賣, 共三. 
A. 登島+環島+賞鯨
B. 登島+環島

C. 環島+賞鯨
價格約在1200台幣以上, 時間最少花費三小時. 如您有2D1N以上宜蘭行的安排, 可加入這行程. 六月到八月會比其他月分賞得到鯨豚, 但同時遊客多, 給您參考.

