4月 18, 2012

Calla lilies (海芋), Zhúzi hú (竹子湖), Taipei (台北).

Zhúzi hú, a small village in the yangmin mountain, Taipei. Every year, around mid April to end of May, thousands of Taiwanese they go there just for seeing and buying calla lilies. If you're in taipei and have no idea to go, recommend to you.

If you think to go Zhúzi hú to see calla lilies too crowded, you can go to Tái bǎo, it's on the highway2-1st, near by Mǎ cáo, really nice this time.

竹子湖, 台北陽明山上一小村莊. 每年, 約四月中到五月底, 數以千計的台灣人會來這只為了賞花和買花. 如您在台北不知要往哪裡去, 推薦給您.

如您認為去竹子湖賞海芋太擠, 您可以至台寶, 在台2甲線上(陽金公路), 靠近馬槽, 非常美這時候. 

