2月 13, 2017

Emerald Valley(翡翠谷), Hualien(花蓮).

Emerald Valley(翡翠谷), Hualien. Since Mukumugi(慕谷慕魚) closed by Typhoon damage, this place became more popular. To into the first waterfall, you have to pass an old tunnel. Remember to bring flashlight, because the tunnel have a little turning can not see the light come from another exit. It's old trail too that over 200 years old. If you want to go further and discovering, strong recommend to find a local guide to lead you in, and more watching the weather and spent time. Weather change always fast in the mountain. Near by here you can reach to Carp Lake(鯉魚潭), one of famous tour spots of Hualien. April to May of ever year was firefly season of Carp Lake. Can be a half day trip here.

翡翠谷, 花蓮. 自慕谷慕魚因颱風損害而封閉, 這地方變得更熱門了. 要進入到第一個瀑布, 您要先通過一條舊隧道. 請記得帶手電筒, 由於隧道有一點點彎角以致看不到另一端出口的光. 這邊也是一條超過200年的舊步道. 如您想要嘗試探索並走深入一點, 強烈建議找當地導遊引領您前去. 並注意天氣和花費的時間. 山區的天氣往往變得很快. 在這附近, 您也可以連接到鯉魚潭, 花蓮著名的觀光景點之一. 四月五月是鯉魚潭的螢火蟲季. 可以是半日行在這.

