3月 10, 2015

Èr shuǐ (二水), Changhua (彰化).

Èr shuǐ (二水), Changhua (彰化). A lovely township, with the rice field, old street, and little high mountains. It's the Taiwan railway Jiji Line (集集線) starting. Jiji is a famous tour spot of centeral Taiwan. But, unlike Jiji so hot, here more you can feel relaxing. There are several hiking trail near by the mountain side, if you love hiking, here is also good choice. the well known is Ink stone (硯台), a necessary tools of penmanship. In old Chinese, there are four things in need in the study, called "文房四寶" ( Wén fáng sì bǎo) that is paper, writing brush, ink stick, and the Ink stone.
二水. 彰化. 一個可愛的小地方, 有田野, 老街, 和有一點小高的山. 它是台鐵集集線的起點, 集集是中台灣出名的景點. 但, 它不同於集集這麼熱鬧, 是更可以感受悠閒的地方. 靠山邊也有幾條健行步道, 如您喜愛健行,這邊是個好選擇. 二水最出名是硯台, 書法的必備工具. 在老中國, 書房有四樣必備品, 稱做文房四寶. 分別是紙, 毛筆, 墨, 硯.

