2月 15, 2015

月見ル君想フ, Moon Romantic, Taipei (台北)

月見ル君想フ, Moon Romantic, Taipei. A small restaurant & live house on the Cháozhōu street. Most on the weekend night they will invite Japanese musician to do the performance here. If you interesting Japanese music, this is a good place to go. It's not to far Yongkang district (永康商圈), maybe 10min by walk.

月見ル君想フ, Moon Romantic, 台北. 潮州街上的一個小餐廳和Live House. 通常在周未夜會邀請日本音樂家來這表演. 如果您對日本音樂感興趣的話, 這是一個好去處. 它離永康商圈不算太遠, 走路大約10分鐘.


