3月 10, 2014

Cabbage with rice (高麗菜飯)

Cabbage with rice. It's very rare can seeing in Taiwan right now. But in the past, it's a common. Now in ChungHua (彰化), Yunlin(雲林), you still can find it. It taste a little sweet, that's come from cabbage. And very good smell. Tired to eat Braised pork on rice(滷肉飯)? You can try this.
高麗菜飯. 在現在的台灣它是非常罕見的. 但是在過去, 她是很普遍的. 現在在彰化, 雲林您能可以找到它. 它嚐起來有些甜, 那是來自高麗菜的甜味. 且聞起來非常香. 厭倦了吃滷肉飯? 您可以試試這個.

