8月 17, 2013

Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅), Taiwan Aboriginal groups

Talking about one of Aboriginal groups of Taiwan, Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅). If you join Amis harvesting festival of Hualien coast line, you might see them join together. They are small group, total above 650 people by official records. So not very many chance to see them. Palamal(火神祭) is their very important festival. Usually held in October.

說說關於台灣原住民族之一, Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅). 如您參予花蓮海岸線的阿美族收穫祭, 您可能見到他們參予其中. 他們是非常小的族群, 官方紀錄約650人. 所以很不容易見到他們. 火神祭是他們最重要的祭儀. 通常在十月舉行.

