Chia Yi Tower, Shè rì tǎ(射日塔), where was in Zhongshan Park too. Want to enjoy night view of ChiaYi city, a good choice to come here. The sculpture was an Indigenous people myths and legends. "射日" as "shooting sun", that was the named. ChaiYi city just right on Tropic of Cancer, so the weather hot, no wonder Indigenous people want to shooting sun. I am joking.
射日塔, 在中山公園內. 想要欣賞嘉義市的夜景,來這是個好選擇. 雕塑是一個有關原住民的神話傳說. 射日塔之名也由此而來. 嘉義市剛好位在北回歸線上, 所以天氣很熱, 無怪乎原住民想要射掉太陽. 我開玩笑的.
射日塔, 在中山公園內. 想要欣賞嘉義市的夜景,來這是個好選擇. 雕塑是一個有關原住民的神話傳說. 射日塔之名也由此而來. 嘉義市剛好位在北回歸線上, 所以天氣很熱, 無怪乎原住民想要射掉太陽. 我開玩笑的.