9月 20, 2014

Thanks Miss Hong & friends

Thanks Miss Hong & friends, from Taichung, did one day Taitung trip.
感謝來自台中的洪小姐與友人, 台東一日行.

9月 14, 2014

Thanks Miss Li & friend

Thanks Miss Li & friend, from Taipei, a day trip from Chíshàng to Taimali to Dulan. Nice weather with them. And very lucky them, saw Green island and Orchid island at the same time. They took photos a lot.
感謝來自台北的黎小姐與友人, 池上到太麻里到都蘭一日行. 好天氣伴隨著她們, 也很幸運, 能同時看到綠島和蘭嶼. 她們拍了很多照片.

Thanks Phyllis & Clarie

Thanks Phyllis & Clarie, from Taipei, 3d2n Taitung & Hualien trip. Serviced them 2 years ago, almost the same time. They came for daylily and the Moonlight Sea. Luckily we saw both, and catched the last harvest festival of this year of Amis people. Although met a little rain fall, but still have a wonderful time.
感謝來自台北的 Phyllis & Clarie, 3D2N 花東行. 曾於兩年前, 幾乎同時間,服務過她們, 她們來是為了金針花和月光海, 幸運地我們全看到, 也看到了今年最後一場阿美族收穫祭. 雖然遇了點雨, 但仍然有個美好的時光.

Thaw (邵族) year ceremonies (lus'an) Taiwan aboriginal group

Glad to have chance to attend Thaw (邵族) year ceremonies(lus'an). Do you know Thaw? They are one of Taiwan indigenous people, about 800 people, and most lived around the Sun Moon Lake. The year ceremonies usually held at lunar calender August. The schedule followed by group people discussing, could be one month, or several dates, or skip the year. "Piakalingkin" could be the most heard in the Thaw year ceremonies, it meant bless you all well.


很榮幸能參加邵族年祭(lus'an)(祖靈祭). 您知道邵族嗎? 他們是台灣原住民族的一支, 人數約800人, 多數世居於日月潭周邊. 邵族年祭(祖靈祭)通常在農曆八月舉行. 時程由族人們討論, 可能會舉行一個月, 或數天, 或跳年(隔年再辦). Piakalingkin 可能是您在邵族年祭聽到最多的話語, 它的意思是祝福您一切好. Piakalingkin!