4月 12, 2013

Thanks Peter & Monica

Thanks Peter & Monica, from Australia, a half day trip from Hualien to Taitung. Peter told me that there are two different friends both recommend me doing service. And the world is small, Monica knew one of my friend and they did music performance together last saturday. An interesting trip. :)

Thanks Miss Shao & friend

Thanks Miss Shao & friend, from Belgium, a half day and a day trip Taitung to Hualien. A journey to share experiences with each other. :)

Jesus has the face of the aboriginal, Tǔbǎn(土坂) tribe, Taitung.

Jesus has the face of the aboriginal. Have you seen it before?Here is Tǔbǎn(土坂) tribe, a Paiwan (排灣族) tribe belong to Daren Township (達仁鄉), Taitung. Tǔbǎn tribe well known in recently Taiwan, because they have a doctor named Xúchāobīn(徐超斌). He want to build a hospital in the south Taitung. An admirable doctor. :)

耶穌像有著原住民面孔, 您見過嗎? 這裡是土坂部落, 一排灣族部落屬於台東縣達仁鄉. 土坂部落最近在台灣很有名, 因為那裏有位醫師叫徐超斌. 他想要建一座醫院在台東南端. 一位令人敬佩的醫生.

Millet (小米) season. Taitung.

Millet season. This is only view in the south, in aboriginal tribes, Taitung. In Duōliáng, you can see large field. Love to see Millet, that mean soon I can join the harvest festival. :) (usually in July)

小米的季節. 這景只有台東南邊的原住民部落才看得到. 在多良可見大片小米田. 喜愛看到小米, 這表示我很快可以參加收穫祭了. (通常在七月份)

Thanks Mr. Chuang & his students

Thanks Mr. Chuang (not in the photo) & his students, from Taipei, did 3D2N Taitung. Thanks student they rent a scooter, that I can offer srervice, otherwise my car will over load. They came for a project, in order to help a small village to create their own tour service. Glad to do some work with them. :)

Onion. local product of Hengchun(恆春)

Onion. It's harvest season. Onion is one of local product of Hengchun(恆春). If you passing by Fenggang(楓港) and the way south to Hengchun, you can see a lot. It's cheap, and good for health, this weekend is spring vacation of Taiwan, if you have no idea to bring what back, this could be a choice. :)

洋蔥. 恆春的在地特產之一. 如您經過楓港往南到恆春, 您可以見到許多. 它很便宜, 且有益健康, 這周是台灣的春假, 如您煩惱要帶什麼東西回去的話, 這可以是個選擇. 

Tung flowers (油桐樹), Taiwan season view

Tung flowers opening! In Hualien & Taitung, the east rift valley, you can find it. And this time you can find it in centeral Taiwan & north Taiwan too.

Mural of De Wu elementary school (德武國小), Hualien (花蓮).

Mural of De Wu elementary school, Hualien. De wu is an Ami tribe, so the Mural "Chibi Maruko" wearing the Ami traditional dressing too. Very speciall. To visit here please come at weekend, and do not disturb students when studying. Thank you for your cooperation. :)

花蓮德武小學的壁畫. 德武是一個阿美族部落, 所以櫻桃小丸子也穿著阿美族傳統服裝. 非常特別. 來這裡拜訪請於假日前來, 別打擾了學生們上課. 感謝您的合作. 

Chinese Fringe-tree (流蘇樹)

Chinese Fringe-tree, some Taiwanese called snow of March, can see in north Taiwan only, but in limit places. Places as like National Taiwan University of Taipei, and Shí guǎn jú(石管局) of Long Tan. In Shí guǎn jú, the flower fully opened. You can go there to enjoy and eat fresh fish. A big fish can make several way of eating (Well known there). :)

流蘇樹, 台灣某些人稱三月雪, 只能在北台灣見到, 但也限於幾個地方. 如台北的台灣大學, 龍潭的石管局. 在石管局, 花已盛開. 您可以去那觀賞, 並吃活魚. 一條大魚可以有好幾種吃法(出了名那裏).

Iris (鳶尾花) in Taiwan

The iris is quiet opening in Taiwan. The places to enjoy in Sān zhī(三芝) of Taipei, Dà xī(大溪), guānyīn(觀音) of Taoyuan, Shòu fēng(壽豐) of Hualien. That is all I know. Season view also. :)

鳶尾花悄悄的開著在台灣. 可以賞鳶尾花的地方在台北三芝, 桃園觀音和大溪, 和花蓮壽豐. 這是我所知道的. 如您在台灣的其他地方也找著可以欣賞鳶尾花的點, 懇請讓我知道, 我會非常感謝您的.

Formosan rock-monkey (台灣獼猴), Taiwan

Formosan rock-monkey(台灣獼猴), in Yushan National Park (玉山國家公園), Shoushan(壽山) of Kaohsiung, Dōnghé(東河) of Taitung, you can more close to it. Because people always feed them, so they're not afrid people. But they're still wild animal, and somtimes with aggressive, for example they will grab food from your hands or jump to your body. To watch them and not feed them is the bestway. :)

台灣獼猴, 在玉山國家公園, 高雄壽山, 台東東河, 您可以近距離接近牠. 因為人們總是餵牠們東西吃, 所以並不怕人. 但牠們仍然是野生動物, 有時還有攻擊性. 例如從您的手上搶東西吃, 或跳到您的身上. 看著牠們並且不餵牠們是最好的方式.