9月 27, 2017

Terraces(梯田) at New Taipei City(新北市)

Terraces(梯田), for me it's a interesting landscape in Taiwan. You don't need to go south east Asia as Philippines, and Vietnam. You can find similar but small at New Taipei City. Most in the country side town, as Sanzhi(三芝), Shimen(石門), and Gongliao(貢寮). Some terraces are over 100 years old. And the foundation also different, some are rock, and some are mud, but all along the mountain contour line. If you come at right timing that is really beautiful. (Usually March and April) To visit these places, better you have a guide to take you there.(Public transportation not easy reach) And please do not go inside the field, whenever growing or harvest. That is because they try to do and keep organic, if you go inside the field could make the pollution. Thanks for your helping.

梯田對我來說是有趣的地景在台灣. 您不用跑到東南亞如菲律賓和越南. 您可以找到相似但小的地景在新北市. 多數在鄉村城鎮, 如三芝, 石門, 和貢寮. 有些梯田超過100年之久. 且基礎也不同, 有些是石砌, 有些是泥砌, 但都沿著山的輪廓線而建. 如您對的時間來那真的很美.(通常三四月間) 拜訪這些地方, 最好您有地陪帶您來這.(公眾運輸不容易抵達) 且請不要進入田中, 不管是生長期間或收割. 因為他們正嘗試或維持有機, 如您進入可能會造成汙染. 在此感謝您的幫忙.

