Lily in May and Jun. Most you saw as this yellow color. This called "Flat land lily", and it was modified. The orignal lily were growing in high mountain, and the color was red. As we know Mt. Liushishisan (六十石山), Mt. Cì kē (刺柯山), Mt. lily (金針山) were red one, not yellow one, and it opened in the end of Aug. to Oct. Oh! It's coming soon.
金針花開在五六月的. 多數如您看到是如這般黃色. 這叫平地金針, 它是改良的. 原始的金針花是種植在高山, 顏色是紅色的. 如我們所知的六十石山, 刺柯山, 金針山, 金針花是紅色的, 非黃色的, 花開在八月尾到十月. OH! 賞金針花的季節又快來到了.
金針花開在五六月的. 多數如您看到是如這般黃色. 這叫平地金針, 它是改良的. 原始的金針花是種植在高山, 顏色是紅色的. 如我們所知的六十石山, 刺柯山, 金針山, 金針花是紅色的, 非黃色的, 花開在八月尾到十月. OH! 賞金針花的季節又快來到了.