12月 19, 2016

Thanks Candy & family & friends

Thanks Candy & family & friends, from HongKong, did 8D7N round Taiwan tour. (one 9 seat rental van + one taxi work together) This is an uniqune trip.
感謝來自香港的Candy與家人和朋友們, 8d7n環台之旅.( 一台九人座租賃車+一台計程車合力) 這是一趟獨特的旅程.

Thanks Miss Wu and family

Thanks Miss Wu and family, from Malaysia, did 5D4N half round island trip.
感謝來自馬來西亞的吳小姐與家人, 5d4n 環半島之旅.

Harukaze東風 2016 台灣唱遊 2016.12.21 to 2017.01.03

Music project No.4 Harukaze東風 from Okinawa.
We will have a Taiwan round tour start from 12/21 to 01/03. Will reach to Hualien, Taitung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Hengchun. For more information please linking to below:

音樂企畫 No.4 沖繩的Harukaze東風
我們將會有一個台灣巡迴之旅自12/21開始至01/03. 將會去花蓮, 台東, 台南和高雄. 