9月 02, 2016

823 art village (823藝術村), Shítīpíng (石梯坪), Hualien(花蓮)

The ants house at Shítīpíng (石梯坪), Hualien. It's a hiding art work belong to 823 art village (823藝術村) that a new art village under construction. More and more art works will located here in the feature. Very worth take time to enjoying. But please remember only watching, not touching. If you want touching please by heart. Shítīpíng also is one of world landscapes of Taiwan. A unforgettable place.

螞蟻窩, 石梯坪, 花蓮. 它是一個隱藏的藝術作品屬於823藝術村, 一個正在建設中的藝術村. 未來會有愈來愈多的藝術作品坐落在這. 非常花時間一看. 但請記得用看的就好, 不要觸摸. 真要觸摸請您用心去觸摸它. 石梯坪也是台灣的世界級風景之一. 一個令人難忘的地方.