7月 27, 2016

Hi Hai(嗨海), Heng Chun(恆春)

Glad to have chance to attend opening of Hi Hai(嗨海) at Heng-Chun(恆春). A quite coffee shop in the day time, a beer bar with live music at night time. You can enjoy different life style in here.

很榮幸能參加恆春嗨海的開幕式. 白天是一個寧靜的咖啡館, 夜晚則是啤酒吧和現場音樂的地方. 您可以享受不同的生活方式在這.

Nesterbar(巢吧), Hualien(花蓮)

A beer bar & live music house in Hualien city. Nesterbar(巢吧) not only provide good beer and also good live music too. Looking for night life place at Hualien? This should satisfy you.

一啤酒吧和live house 在花蓮市. Nesterbar(巢吧) 不只提供好喝的啤酒, 也提供好的Live music. 想找可以過夜生活的地方在花蓮市? 這裡應該可以滿足您.

看巷小(Kàn xiàng xiǎo), Hualien(花蓮)

A secret place near by old railway culture area (舊鐵道文化園區) at Hualien 花蓮. 看巷小(Kàn xiàng xiǎo) is a craft, art, moji, and cafe place. It's opposite the pop area, as like a quite garden. Along the old railway you can find it. And please try their own hot moji, peanut and sesame all will give you good flavor.

一個祕密的地方靠近花蓮舊鐵道文化園區. 看巷小是一個販賣手做, 藝術, 麻糬, 和咖啡的地方. 她在鬧區的對面, 就如同一個寧靜的小花園. 沿著舊鐵道走您可以找到她. 並請嚐嚐她們的燒麻糬, 芝麻和花生都會給您好味道.

Pakongko, Makudaai tribe (港口部落), Hualien (花蓮)

New art work located at Makudaai tribe (港口部落), Highway11, Hualien. It's for the new art project pakongko 2, a project develop by village itself. pakongko in amis language is about telling a story. Local people they try to tell themself sotry to you. For more information please link as below:

新的藝術作品在花蓮台11線上的港口部落(Makudaai). 這是新的藝術計畫pakongko2, 一個由部落自己發起的計畫. pakongko 在阿美族語是說故事的意思. 當地人說著自己的故事給您聽. 更多資訊請參考連結.

7月 13, 2016

2016 East coast Land Art Festival (東海岸大地藝術節)

Find a suitable place enjoy a little time break. East coast land art festival will let you have a nice trip. The 2016 east coast land art festival will start at July 23 to Oct. This time besides art works can enjoy along the east coast, also include the opening studio at weekend, and hand made market with music performance, and Moon light sea music concert. More fun and can have a wonderful trip. The more information please link as follows:

Official website:

Facebook page:

找個地方享受短暫的休憩. 東海岸大地藝術節會讓您有個美好的旅程. 2016東海岸大地藝術節將於7月23日展開一直至10月. 這次除了東海岸沿線有藝術作品欣賞外, 還包含了假日的開放工作室, 手創市集與音樂表演, 還有月光海音樂會. 更多的樂趣更美好的旅程. 更多資訊請參考連結:
Official website:

Facebook page: 

Thanks Conney & friends

Thanks Conney & friends from HongKong, a day tour of Hualien and Taitung.
感謝來自香港的Conney與友人, 花蓮台東一日行.

Indigenous traditional sun proof (防曬板)

Harvesting time in the east rift valley and the east coast. One special things you can find on the farmer at Xīn shè( 新社), gǎngkǒu (港口) Hualien county (花蓮縣). It's traditional sun proof and made by paper reed (紙莎草). Uncommon to see in the Taiwan west coast. An Indigenous Peoples craft.

花東縱谷和東海岸現在是收穫的季節. 有一樣東西您可在花蓮港口, 新社的農夫身上找到. 這是傳統的防曬板是用紙莎草做的. 不容易在台灣西海岸見到. 一原住民工藝.