11月 29, 2013

Zhou dishes (清粥小菜)

Winter time, one of good option of late night snack was Zhou dishes (清粥小菜). Hot rice gruel will kept your body warm and delicious dishes will let you eat more. Zhou dishes not only for late night snack, in some places of Taiwan, Zhou dishes shop they opened 24hr. Also one of traditional snacks Taiwan. Over dozens of delicious dishes sometimes really difficult to choose.
冬日, 宵夜的一個好選項是清粥小菜. 熱熱的稀飯會讓您e感溫暖,美味的小菜讓您吃更多. 但清粥小菜不只在宵夜賣而已. 在台灣的某些地方, 賣清粥小菜的店是開24hr. 這也是台灣的傳統小吃之一. 超過數十種美味的小菜有時真難選擇. 

11月 25, 2013

Special motor, Wang-Gong (王功), Chang-Hua county (彰化)

Special motor of the west coast Taiwan. Taiwanese Original. Would you like to take special motor running at intertidal zone of the west coast? Here is Wang-Gong, Chang-Hua county. More fun when at low tie.
台灣西海岸特殊的摩托車. 台灣原創. 您會想搭特殊的摩托車奔馳在西海岸的潮間帶嗎? 這裡是彰化縣的王功. 當低潮時會有更多的樂趣.

Green tunnels, Taiwan.

Over hundreds green tunnel located at the village of the central and south Taiwan. Also quite place too. Not very many car and motor passing, so you can have a nice walk, even sit or lie on the ground.
 超過數以百計的綠色隧道在中台灣和南台灣的村莊中. 也是一安靜地. 由於並不是很多汽車摩托車經過, 您可以有個美好的漫步, 或坐或躺在地面上.

Běn dōng warehouse stores (本東倉庫商店), Kaohsiung city (高雄).

If you love little cute stuffs, or stationery, if you walk on Pier-2 Art, Kaohsiung city, it's worth to visit here. Pay attention your wallet!如您喜愛可愛的小物品, 或文具用品, 如您有在高雄市的駁二藝術特區, 值得來這走走. 注意您的錢包!

Marvelous colors from Taiwan

Marvelous colors from Taiwan. If you ever stop at 
Qīngshuǐ cliff (清水斷崖), Hualien, you can have chance to get it. One wonders of Su-Hua Highway (蘇花公路).

來自台灣的奇妙的顏色. 如您曾停留過花蓮的清水斷崖, 您可以有機會見到. 蘇花公路上的一奇景.

Thanks miss Xu & family

2013.11.18 to 23

Thanks miss Xu & family, from Malaysia, did 6D5N round Taiwan trip. A trip that different than the past and full loaded. More cities to stay longer, more shopping at the gift shop, and of course we ate at night market a lot.

感謝來自馬來西亞的徐小姐和家人, 6d5n環島行. 一個不同以往且滿載的旅程. 城市停留的時間久, 禮品店採買多, 當然夜市也吃了不少.

11月 12, 2013

Ami Cultural Village (阿美文化村), Hualien (花蓮)

Talking about the history of Indigenous dance show of Taiwan. The first and still running was the Ami Cultural Village (阿美文化村) where was in Hualien city. In early year, it's one of must to visit tour spots of Hualien city. Especially very many Jananese tour gruop will visit here. Now you can see more Indigenous dance show in Taiwan as like Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village (九族文化村), Indigenous Cultural Park (原住民文化園區). But for real, I would like invite you to join Taiwan Indigenous ceremonies, or festival. The show is just a part.

說說台灣原住民舞蹈表演的歷史. 最早並且仍在表演的是花蓮的阿美文化村. 在早些年, 它曾經是必去的花蓮旅點之一. 特別是很多的日本團會來這裡拜訪. 現在您可以見到很多的原住民舞蹈表演在台灣如九族文化村, 如原住民文化園區. 但為了真實性, 我會想邀請您參加台灣原住民的祭典, 或慶典. 表演只是一部分而已.

Jin-Zuan Night Market (金鑽夜市), KaoHsiung (高雄)

Jin-Zuan Night Market (金鑽夜市), a new biggest night market of Kaohsiung city. Clean, easy to find food stands that you like, but a very little price high than other night market. Next to Jin-Zuan Night Market, is Kǎi-xuán night market (凱旋夜市). Their design are the same, and some food stands will exchange in two place by opening day. FYI.金鑽夜市, 高雄市一全新的大型夜市. 乾淨, 很容易找您想吃的小吃攤, 但價錢一點點小高於其他夜市. 金鑽夜市的旁邊是凱旋夜市. 它們的設計是一樣的, 且某些小吃攤會隨著營業日期交換著. 給您參考.

Thanks Vivian & her family

Thanks Vivian & her family, from Malaysia, did 5D4N westcoast and north east coast trip. A special trip. We went several very different places as the photo, and tasted very different food like Yunnan cousin. Most are they first time, and even me. 

感謝來自馬來西亞的 Vivian 和她的家人, 5D4N 西海岸和東北海岸之旅. 一個特殊的旅程, 我們去了數個很不同的地方一如照片, 且品嘗了很不同的食物如雲南菜. 多數是她們的第一次, 甚至是我的第一次.

A part view look out from 101, Taipei

A part view look out from 101. If you are the first time visiting Taiwan, and interesting the city view, good to come here. Although the ticket price cost NT$500 per person, but if you meet a nice sunset view, it's worth.
從101遠眺的景之一. 如您第一次來台灣, 且對城市印象感興趣, 適合來這裡. 雖然票價一個人要500元, 但如您遇到一個漂亮的日落, 還是值得的.

Fu-Bao wetlands (福寶濕地), Chang-Hua county (彰化).

Fubao wetlands (福寶濕地), a wetland near by Lu-Kang, Chang-Hua county. It's a tiny wetlands, few people know, but the world famous. In bird watching season, very many scholars and Bird lovers will come here to visit. You can add here to your trip that if you planning to visit Lu-Kang. With the Hàn bǎo wetlands (漢寶濕地), or Wang-Gong, can be a day trip.

福寶濕地, 一接近彰化縣鹿港的濕地. 它很小, 很少人知道, 但世界知名. 在賞鳥季時, 很多的學者或愛鳥人士都會來這拜訪. 您可以加這入您的行程中, 如您計畫去鹿港一遊. 併漢寶濕地, 或王功, 可以是一日遊.