10月 30, 2013

Hotpot season

Hotpot season. Talking about one Taiwan famous hotpot "San Ma Stinky Pot" (三媽臭臭鍋) You can find it in everywhere Taiwan. Quick, simple, cheap, and make you full and warm. I like it Stinky Pot very much, that's stinky tofu in hotpot. But if you don't like stinky tofu, you can have other choice like sea food hotpot, or Kim-chi hot pot. dip with some special sauce more delicious.
火鍋季. 說說一台灣有名的火鍋, 三媽臭臭鍋, 您可以在各地見到. 快速, 簡單, 便宜, 且讓您有飽足感和溫暖. 我非常喜歡臭臭鍋, 那是火鍋裡有臭豆腐. 但如您不喜歡臭豆腐, 可選擇其他如海鮮鍋, 或韓國泡菜鍋. 沾點特製的醬料會更美味. 

Thanks Miss Hán & her parents

2013.10.22 ~25

Thanks Miss Hán & her parents from Shang-Hai, did 4D3N central mountain range & coast mountain range trip. Serviced Miss Hán & her husband in last year, she love Taiwan very much. So this time she bring her parents to come, want to show her parents how beautiful Taiwan. Very nice family, we talked very many about "Taiwan" on the trip, from History, nature beauty, food, culture, etc... why we are so special! And we enjoy the moment a lot, all wonderful experience.

感謝來自上海的韓小姐和家人, 4d3n 中央山脈和海岸山脈之旅. 曾於去年服務過韓小姐和她老公, 她非常的喜愛台灣. 所以這次她帶家人來, 想要介紹台灣有多美麗給她父母. 非常和善的一家人, 我們在旅途中聊了很多有關台灣的事, 從歷史, 自然美, 吃食, 文化等...為何我們是如此特別! 我們享受了很多的當下, 都是很美好的體驗. 

10月 16, 2013

Thanks Kenny & his wife

Thanks Kenny & his wife, from HongKong, a half day tour of TaiTung coast line. A trip run faster than rain.
感謝來自香港的Kenny 和夫人, 半日台東海岸行. 一個跑比雨快的旅程.

Thanks Mr. Chen,

Thanks Mr. Chen, from Singapore, a day trip Taitung to Taroko, Hualien. They get their private spot.
感謝來自新加坡的陳先生, 台東到花蓮太魯閣的一日行. 他們找到屬於他們的私房景點. 

Thanks Rebecca & friends

Thanks Rebecca & friends, from Hongkong, did 4D3N Hualien trip. I have served Rebecca at 9 month before, did one day Taitung tour. She said she will come back with friends, they are. Very happy to be with them, more joke and fun in the trip.

感謝來自香港的Rebecca與友人, 4D3N花蓮行. 在九個月前曾服務Rebecca, 台東的一日行. 她說她會和朋友們再來台灣, 她們真的來了. 非常高興與他們同行, 很多的玩笑和歡樂在旅途中. 

Lin Mei Shi Pan Trail (林美石磐步道), Jiāo xī (礁溪), Yi lan county (宜蘭).

Lin Mei Shi Pan Trail (林美石磐步道), jiāo xī, Yi lan county. A nice place to go when you stay in Jiāo xī hot spring. You can spend two hour or half day more. The whole trail about 1.7km, add 700m to the entrance. The best view in front of 1km, valley, waterfall, subtropical plants, all catch your eyes. 

林美石磐步道, 礁溪, 宜蘭. 當您在礁溪停留時很適合去的地方. 您可以花兩小時或半天在這. 整條步道約1.7km, 加700m至入口處. 最佳的風景在一公里前, 峽谷, 瀑布, 亞熱帶植物, 都吸引您的目光.