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8月 31, 2013
Dulan coastal terrace (都蘭鼻), Taitung
Dulan coastal terrace, some one called Dōulánbí, one of tour spots of Dulan village, Taitung. There's a story here, about 10years ago, one man jumped into the sea and perishes here in order to protect the environment here, to avoid improper development of consortium. This was also the begining the environment battle of local people of the east coast. They still fighting now, they needed your helping and supporting too. Because we only left one pure land (more nature than other counties), the east coast.
都蘭海階, 或有人稱它為都蘭鼻, 台東都蘭村的景點之一. 這裡有著一個故事, 約10年前, 有個人在這跳海殉身, 為了保護這裡的環境, 避免財團的不當開發. 這同時也是東海岸的人們打環境保衛戰的開始. 他們仍在奮戰中, 他們需要您的幫助與支持. 因為我們只剩下一塊淨土了, 東海岸.
Hengchun (恆春) pole climbing festival (豎孤棚)
Hengchun pole climbing festival, one of folk activities of Taiwan, was a race of team work and physical strength and endurance. The pole fully grease, you have climbing to the top to win the Rewards. Most of time, you saw the entrants they climb up almost to the top but falling down because the pole too slick. But no one want to give up. It's change from Qianggu (搶孤), another folk activities held on the same month in Llunar July. They were a little different, but the meaning the same, relief suffering people.
恆春豎孤棚, 台灣的民俗活動之一, 是一場團隊與體能與耐力的比賽. 柱子上佈滿了黃油, 您必須爬上頂端去贏得獎賞. 多數的時候, 您眼見參賽者都要爬上頂端了卻又滑落的下來, 因為柱子實在是太滑了. 但沒有一個參賽者會想放棄. 它是由搶孤轉變而來, 另一個台灣民俗活動同樣在農曆七月舉行. 兩者有一點不同, 但意義一樣, 救濟困苦的人.
8月 17, 2013
the sea stars in Shuǐ nǎn dòng (水湳洞), New Taipei city (新北市)
Everyone knows Jiǔ fèn night view, but I love Shuǐ nǎn dòng night view. Especially when boats light up the sea, the sea stars!
Thanks Miss Hán & family
Thanks Miss Hán & family, from Nánjīng, 4D3N Taitung to Jiǔ fèn trip. A perilous journey. Very many landscapes until the last minute than we saw the beauty.
Natchan Rera, a ferry around SuAo to HuaLien
You might afried to ride on Su-hua highway, here is the solveing. From now on you can take ferry from SuAo to HuaLien. It's a daily ferry, beside the sunday off. And the trip take about 2 hr. Similar than by car, but you can enjoy the sea view, or good luck to see the dolphins.
您也許害怕開在蘇花公路上, 這是解決問題方法. 即日起您可以搭乘郵輪從蘇澳到花蓮. 她是每日都有的船班, 除了星期天休息. 而航程約兩個小時. 有點像乘車, 但您可以欣賞海景, 或者帶有好運能見到海豚.
您也許害怕開在蘇花公路上, 這是解決問題方法. 即日起您可以搭乘郵輪從蘇澳到花蓮. 她是每日都有的船班, 除了星期天休息. 而航程約兩個小時. 有點像乘車, 但您可以欣賞海景, 或者帶有好運能見到海豚.
Yīng gē ceramics museum (鶯歌陶瓷博物館), New Taipei city (新北市).
Yīng gē ceramics museum, New Taipei city. Nice place for family, pottery lovers etc... to go. You can have Pottery DIY here. And for the kids, there a shallow reservoirs can have fun that especially in Summer time. Summer vacation will end, don't waste it.
鶯歌陶瓷博物館, 新北市. 很適合家人, 陶藝愛好者等...去的地方. 您可以做陶藝DIY在這. 對小孩來說, 那有一個小水塘可以玩, 特別在夏日的時候. 暑假快結束了, 別浪費了它.
鶯歌陶瓷博物館, 新北市. 很適合家人, 陶藝愛好者等...去的地方. 您可以做陶藝DIY在這. 對小孩來說, 那有一個小水塘可以玩, 特別在夏日的時候. 暑假快結束了, 別浪費了它.
É luán bí lighthouse (鵝鑾鼻燈塔), KenTing (墾丁), Pingtung
É luán bí lighthouse, the oldest, and the most south lighthouse of Taiwan home island. The history over 100years, and one of lighthouse with armed protection of the world. Afternoon around the 4pm to come here is the best. Not to crowd and you can enjoy the sunset. Sunset sea view here also beautiful.
鵝鑾鼻燈塔, 台灣本島最古老的, 最南邊的燈塔. 歷史有百年餘, 且是世界上有著武裝的燈塔之一. 午後四點來這是最佳的. 不太擁擠且您可以享受夕陽在這. 這裡的夕陽海景是很漂亮的.
鵝鑾鼻燈塔, 台灣本島最古老的, 最南邊的燈塔. 歷史有百年餘, 且是世界上有著武裝的燈塔之一. 午後四點來這是最佳的. 不太擁擠且您可以享受夕陽在這. 這裡的夕陽海景是很漂亮的.
Thanks miss Zhōu & family
Thanks miss Zhōu & family, from Macau, did 5d4n westcoast trip. A very sweet family. We had good time especially in Alishan & KenDing. We were very lucky, to enjoy the magic of nature always.
Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅), Taiwan Aboriginal groups
Talking about one of Aboriginal groups of Taiwan, Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅). If you join Amis harvesting festival of Hualien coast line, you might see them join together. They are small group, total above 650 people by official records. So not very many chance to see them. Palamal(火神祭) is their very important festival. Usually held in October.
說說關於台灣原住民族之一, Sakizaya (撒奇萊雅). 如您參予花蓮海岸線的阿美族收穫祭, 您可能見到他們參予其中. 他們是非常小的族群, 官方紀錄約650人. 所以很不容易見到他們. 火神祭是他們最重要的祭儀. 通常在十月舉行.
Kitesurfing (風箏衝浪), Yilan (宜蘭)
Kitesurfing, not a pop sports of Taiwan, but still have some people they play. Most when wing big you can see them play in the Bay. In Nanfang'ao (南方澳), Suao township (蘇澳鎮), Yilan county, you can have a experience class.
風箏衝浪, 在台灣並不是一項熱門運動, 但仍有人在玩. 多時當風大的日子您可以見到他們在海灣內玩. 在宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮的南方澳您可以有一個體驗課程.
風箏衝浪, 在台灣並不是一項熱門運動, 但仍有人在玩. 多時當風大的日子您可以見到他們在海灣內玩. 在宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮的南方澳您可以有一個體驗課程.
8月 02, 2013
Thanks Coriana & Annette
Thanks Coriana & Annette, from Holland, a day tour Taitung. This is the first time come to Taiwan, we saw very beautiful view of East rift valley and east coast. We had a gteat time, and they said they will miss eastcoast a lot.
Thanks Miss Chao & her daughter & Lucia
Thanks Miss Chao & her daughter ( fromTaipei) & Lucia ( from Mexico), a half day and a day trip Taitung to Hualien. They don't met each other before, but on the same trip from Taitung to Taroko. A special trip.
Aboriginal's harvest festiva of Taitung & Hualien
Thanks 宛萱, Jolene, and Grace
Thanks 宛萱, Jolene, and Grace, from Singapore, did 3D2N Hualien to KaoHsiung trip. They have an excellent trip in these day. From Paragliding to hot air ballnoon, to long waves of Typhoon, to Sky odd elephant, to wedding of Taiwan aboriginal Rukai, to Love river of Kaohsiung. All that first time and unforgettable experience of their life.
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